We would like to draw your attention to the
"2nd International Workshop on Synchronisation in Transport, SynchroTrans 2019".
to be held September 10-11, 2019 at the Laboratoire des Sciences du Numérique de Nantes (LS2N), in Nantes, France.
SynchroTrans 2019 will be a small, focused, single-stream workshop on synchronisation in vehicle routing and transport.
It is now possible to submit your abstract. The registration system is also open.
Important dates:
*Abstract submission: June 15, 2019
* Extended deadline: July 1st, 2019
* Notification of acceptance: July 5, 2019
* Registration deadline: August 1, 2019
* Workshop: September 10-11, 2019
The preliminary program is as follows:
* Monday, September 9, 19:00 h: Get Synchronized party.
* Tuesday, September 10, 09:00 h - 17:00 h: Academic program
* Tuesday, September 10, 18:00 h: Guided city tour and conference dinner
* Wednesday, September 11, 09:00 h - 16:00 h: Academic program
We will be happy to propose to offer some additional social program to those who arrive earlier/stay longer.
Abstracts must be written in English and contain no more than 1500 characters (no formulas or mathematical notations).
Each attendee is allowed to present at most ONE paper at the conference.
Click here to go to the submission page
Synchrotrans 2019 registration fees (until August 1st): 220€
– Lunches, coffe break and soft drinks
– Get together party on September 9th
– Guided city tour on September 10th
– Dinner on September 10th
– 4 local transportation tickets
– Entry to all scientific presentations and participant kit
Registration is now open: Click here to go to the registration page
Please note that paid registrations cannot be refunded
We look forward to meeting you in Nantes. Do not hesitate to contact us for further information.
Best regards,
Fabien Lehuede, Olivier Peton, Stefan Irnich, and Christian Tilk
Contact: synchrotrans@sciencesconf.org
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